Friday 9 October 2015

group tutorial - presentation feedback and direction

fred suggested to steer away from thinking about creating advertisement work for my practical, though this ties in with my research, it is not necessarily working to my illustration skills. i should take advantage of the opportunity to develop indulge in the area of illustration i enjoy - personal, sensitive work.

sketches i had previously done when thinking about a campaign:

playing on well know link to 'oliver twist' 

based on the statistic that 1 person can save up-to 9 lives by becoming an organ donor. 

idea: showing the healthy side of the lung a collage of drawings/images of a person living their life to the full, and the other side of the lung the same person but with little life, in bed, sad portrait, etc. 

though i do really enjoy the concept/visual communication side to illustration, i agree with Fred that advertising work may not suit my preferred method of illustration as it requires simple and effective and i work in detail and subtle messages. though i feel i am good at thinking of creative ideas, it is all very much in my head, their is often a block between the idea and being able to think of a way my style could make it work.  i did find it a bit of a struggle trying to think of new ideas that haven't been done before aswell.  this crit has made me realise just because my project is about a issue that needs advertising/made aware of, it doesn't necessary have to be advertised in the standard commercial way. any work, any media brings some sort of attention. 

ways i could relate this to my subject (organ donation) and existing research: 
personalising tradgery

  • personalising practical to an individual 

- go into hospials, learn someones story, visually tell this story
- talk more to my cousins friend about he's organ transplant, find out he's story

i could create illustrative work from this that document the issue (reportage) which will (hopefully) still be bringing awareness (advertising) the issue of organ donation but will hopefully develop a level of empathy within the reader, making them feel more personally involved in the persons story they are being informed about.

learnt resilience in advertising - new ways to get people to engage with issues - empathy

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