Monday 5 October 2015

Click to 'like' the donation: the use of online media to promote organ donor registration

  page 168
 context- the use of online media has yet to be carefully evaluated as a platform to promote  organ donation

 objective-  report results of an intervention to promote donor registration that relies exclusively  and online media

  design- six campaigns,  three different online media formats

  setting- 1) traditional online advertising 2) student seeders' (sns)  3) challenge campaigns
 Main outcome measures-  website visitors, webpages viewed per site visit, time spent on site, donor card requests.

Results- traditional online advertising: greater message exposure, failed to result in higher proportion website visitors who registered  donation intentions.  students seeders' and  challenge campaigns: greater attention the project websites,  donor card requests,  and subsequent returns.

 scholars and public health practitioners routinely report efforts to increase donations.
 efforts is a focus on health campaigns designed to improve the public awareness attitudes and knowledge of donation- and gold increasing donor registration and family notification rates. 

 estimated eight 6 million individuals are registered in the US from a population of approximately 308  million.

 page 169

  •   reasons to anticipate success of online promoting:
  •  near ubiquity  of Internet use
  •  the Pew Internet and American life  Project estimates 70%  of all adults use Internet.
  •   95% usage among  18 to 29-year-olds
  •  adults indicate( SNS)  part of daily routine  61%  under 30s visit SNS on a daily average
  •  SNS  network links provide numerous opportunities for promoting.  students average 300+ Likes or connections on Facebook
  •  Facebook users share 30 billion pieces of content each month
  •  advertisers spend an estimated 1.2 billion on Facebook  advertisements in 2010
  •  college students prime target-  positive attitudes towards donation,  
  • 18-34 year-olds  show highest likelihood of becoming an organ donor.  Feeley  and Servoss- college students are often in good health leaves them eligible for donation, but also engage in risk activities that may place them at risk of experiencing a donation eligible death. 
 relying on SNS may serve to reach an expensive and  densely  connected argent of young adults who are already positively predisposed towards donation.

 Merion  et al  demonstrates the success of using  educational websites
 10%  of  visitors  to their website linked to an online donor registry,  22.9% used the site to inform family members  of their decision. 

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