Tuesday 13 October 2015

session with aly - help with dissertation

This week’s focus:
Tutor feedback
Suggested to base creative element on personal story
- get in touch with Leeds teaching hospital, talk to patients - ethical issues of this? How to get to people?

Work done:
Revised structure of plan looked over

Contact already via cousin - success story
Milestone images from his past - high and low

How empathy motivates action

Same images but different text or slant - hard(scare), neutral (facts), soft(positive, you can make a difference)
What in the poster tugged on their hearts to make them act

Ideas for final image
Most people say reason why not on register is because they do not know about it - aim of poster is to use empathy raise general awareness
Picture not hard to look at
Hard hitting = content of persons journey
2 figures, past future, organ donated forms central connection point
Map journey with quotes


Ponder asking on facebook if anyone local can help - via organ donation groups
Get mini pack together of work and rational for study to show prospective participants/ put on fb
Best to write the hardest bit first - to get more opportunities for supervision - so think about which bits in the structure will be trickier

Next time:
·       Structure - revisit and firm up
·       Break in to timeline to chunk up
·       Research got- & what still need for bit 1
·       Reading card - consolidate research in to a table to keep track of info and where it came from/ goes in the dissertation

everyone has a family/people they care about - make them thing about themselves in the situations of the patient/patients family 
the scare, the facts, and the ‘your help makes a difference’

my notes: 
better citizens - book of infomation
 tellinging someones story
something that could sit in the hospital waiting rooms, dentists, library even hairdressing salons as alternatives to the trash mags on ofer!- you are always scouting for something to read. ‘i went to the doctors last week and what have they got..soem atrocious vogue type of magazine, about 30 golf magazines some sort of sports car and cycle crap, and i just thought, there nothing in here that i can be bothered to flick through for 5 mins, whereas something that looks a bit different all looks nice, id have flicked through because it wasn’t this sort of ‘pfft’ thing that was infront of me.’ - captive audience waiting room. 

because the issue is so global, it is something that could be anywhere. 

by not making the initial photographic images hard-hitting/grusome to look at, they may be more inclined to look at it and then will discover what it is about through reading the texts/quotes, by this time they are already captivated in the book. 

the picture can be nice and beautiful to look at (i.e a picture of a person running/laughing/doing an activity) and the hard hitting element can be the quote paired with it about what they have been through - making it shocking to see where they are now/ - success story. what that persons been through is the tear jerker 

‘you can make a difference’ lo

has given us info that we didnt know about even by searching for campaigns - but we’ve had to go out and see that info ourselves 

level of statistics
makes you think ‘on people live with this, all i have to do is a 2 min click on line and and i can help. 

introduction: what the main issue is, why i feel its good a good issue to adress.
x number of people on a waiting list, x number of people are effected, after initial chats to people the main things seem to be lack of awareness that you could even sign up to be a donor, and that campaigns can be hard-hitting and stop people getting involved, so i want to do something that links to empathy because this is a human trait that everybody has. - will discuss how to achieve empathy etc ‘bring out natural altruism’ 

leeds teaching hospital ‘ this is what jam doing and id be really interested to speak to people who have been the recipients of organs or even —
groups on Facebook, ‘is there anybody in leeds that has had a organ donation in leeds that would be willing to discuss and experience and help me, i am looking to creating posters/book to encourage people to sign up to the register. 
  • if i get interest, show them my previous ‘social work’ and explain to them that this is the kind of work that i want to do,would you be able to scan and email me 5 photographs from your life, that show the highest point and the lowest points. explain what they photo means to you, what you were feeling, going through at the time. 

get back in touch with organ donation fb - run idea past her - they are always gonna know someone who’s gone through a really bag time and come out at the other end, somebody who they haven't lost contact with. 

could get a little pack together of previous work, my rationale, why i want to do it, what i want to gain from doing it, al this info could go into a pack to inform them and go into an appendix in my work so it is not wasted. 

woman with a pigs heart?- Aly’s friend. 

  • back to back of what they were before organ donation and what they are now.
  • the past him the present him, and the connecting point in the middle was the organ. 

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