Saturday 31 October 2015

individual tutorial

how should i add the questionnaire data i collected?
definitely the best idea to include the results (quotes/odd stat within text instead of separate data section as this will back up point i am making and save me from repeating myself.

how i can use survey information
the qualitative information (statements/quotes) - anonymised
as i start to make statements about the value of em[pathetic or shock - for e.g i could say , feedback received from questionnaires on the examples used showed this, this and this however some people felt that this this and this ......

use it in the same way you would us quotes and references from a text.

'i would go down the route of using the qualitative feedback in response to the feedback...personally i wouldn't go down the statistically route as this will become a significant part..a lot to do for a small point/information'

document all results on blog - so then if i find it is relevant to include more of the feedback i can have it as a appendices.

i could include the questionnaire itself in the appendices so i don't have to keep referring to the questions- i can just refer to question one or 2 on the 'questionnaire appendix 1'

i mentioned to Fred how i feel though i have wrote the basis of 2 sections of my dissertation, i don't feel i have quite yet started to write about my 'theme'/ point of my dissertation question which is empathy so feel like I'm not really progressing.
however Fred reassured me that the points i am making now are the things i just need to get done to set the context of everything else i want to say - i am proving that i know 'stuff', and that all i am going to say in the next part is based on the fact i know this and have found this out - this is the research and these are the references - the first 3rd can be very much about setting the context.
bare in mind the person reading it doesn't know anything about my topic- so take it from the point of view that whoever reading it needs to be informed about the subject.
the next stage is showing how this idea is related to empathy,  how  we develop emotional links with campaign etc.

take this question as a check and balance when i go through diss- 'SO WHAT' - if I've made and point and proved it i can move on - if i haven't, i cant.

my writing so far is written in a very intuitive way

next tutorial - refine 3000 words i already have, so i can put it to bed and move on.

the the next two weeks - make the transition to next stage talking about empathy.

practical side:
photographs from stages of his life - ask him about these times in he's life - weather they be good or bad - though the photographs may look happy the feeling behind them may not be 0 this will be shown through quotes.

could just focus on this one interviewer if i get enough scope for to document he's journey.
- or could arrange another interview if i get informed by what he tells me from first interview and need to find out more about specific thing - may have to keep an ongoing dialogue.

proving more difficult to find people i can talk to about personal stories

in making the interview questions very specific there a danger to loose personal side, especially if i am interview a number of individuals about there life - maybe one person will be more substanical in making the information/journeys i convey more personal and detailed.
let them tell me what they won't to tell me. rather then just what i am asking

consider looking at organ donation from another persons point of view is very much involved with the issue but is not necessarily the patient - nurses and doctors.
- a issue which has been raised is that people are weary to trust the medical practitioners as some people has mistrust in them that they will favour certain people or not try as hard to save your life if they want your organs. could work at creating practical responses showing how doctors and nurses are people with emotions too and organ donation from there perspective.

casualty department
nurses on wards

need to take the ethics checklist with me

in general 
make sure to think realistically about work load- it could be that using one person is enough to show idea and message.
it might be that i extend this practical for my extended practice FMP - COP could be just focusing on indivual, the hospital interviews and stories could be a project for FMP

Friday 30 October 2015

Hi Rebecca, thank you for contacting us again and I apologise for our delayed response. I would be happy to pass this onto our team who will be able to help you further. Would you please send me your address and preferred telephone number to allow them to contact you? We would like to wish you the best of luck with your dissertation and your future studies - Arlene
22 October 09:24
Hi, no problem! thanks for getting back in touch. That would be great, my phone number is 07711062213 and my address is 77 cardigan lane leeds, LS4 2LN. thank you very much for your help - Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca for that information. I have now passed this on to the relevant team who will be in contact with you directly. Again, many thanks for your support and we wish you the best - Deborah.

Hi Rebecca

Thanks for getting in touch and for your interest in organ donation and transplantation. Thanks for sending over your email address. Unfortunately we don't currently have the resources to be able to help with your query, we have to focus on media enquiries. 

There are lots of hospitals and charities involved in organ donation and transplantation, so another organisation may be able to help. I am not clear whether you are looking for an organ donor’s family or a recipient of a transplant or someone waiting for a transplant or something else for your project. If it is an organ donor try the Donor Family Network, a charity. If you are after a recipient or someone waiting then your best bet is one of the transplant centres, see the link to find a list - The Transplant Sport UK charity could help with inspirational transplant recipients.

Sorry we can't be of further help and good luck with your dissertation, it sounds very interesting.


Thursday 29 October 2015

individual tutorial questions

  • what type of things should i ask when interviewing organ donor recipient? 
  • do i need him to sign anything for permission?
  • old photos he could send me from key point in he's life? - that i could illustrate and pair with quotes about how he was feeling or what was going on at this point in he's life.
  • from results received from questionnaire, can i weave the answers to this primary date to relevant sections in essay- rather than having a data and results section? saving repeating points.  

inspiration from previous techniques

Developing pattern of disease that has caused there organs to fail in persons clothing or subtlety in the background

Tuesday 27 October 2015

this feedback was great, very informative.
like the last questionnaire feedback, the soft, positive message was the most successful and engaging.

questionnaire feedback

though this doesn't provide me with in-depth written feedback, it lets me see which type of campaign has the most effect. - empathetic one!

Sunday 18 October 2015

"My uncle is desperately waiting for a life saving heart transplant. He's been waiting for 15 weeks so far. Please register to donate."

Saturday 17 October 2015

Interview and photo documentation

i have manage to get in touch with a heart transplant patient through a family member who is happy to talk to me about there experiment and for me to document there journey though illustration. if plans go ahead, i will be meeting him on friday/saturday the 6/7th or november.

COP tutorial with Fred

key thing- idea of empathy
sog very focus
use of empathy within health advertising campaigns something very focus that i can start to analyse

different types of adverts coming that target different types of audiences and different issues, some informing, some challenging, promoting etc

if I'm focusing on the idea of how empathy then relates to this idea of altruism and people giving and engaging in charity then this with focus my written side very specifically.

when I'm breaking it down-sections may tie together and overlap.

27 bullet point: if i was to write 20 on each bullet point straight way i would have over 5000 words - bring in mind 200 words isn't a lot.

this is structure i can now expand on without having to add more bullet points. can now START fleshing it out.

now have a clear question - looking at empathy and altruism and the link between the two and using health campaigns as a vehicle all holds together.

if i start writing things now, i might find some sections will take up more words then others - something i feel may be a big section might turn out that i don't have enough research on it - does that mean all i need to do it summaries it? or does it mean i need to go and find more research for that specific bullet point.

rather than just reading/researching now, read with a purpose, to find out something specific for specific sections - rather than reading to inform myself as now there is a danger to over research it.

start cutting out and decided what quotes and what research i will use.

the work i producing is going to be about sensitive issues creating sensitively, the resolution to this doesn't necessarily has to be as functioning or as design orientated as i am making it, thinking it needs to be (advertising/campaign like, to physically sit somewhere realistically. this can be the module where i make a reportage project, it can be a collection of my drawings and the stories put into a certain format that could be a book, a series of prints the process itself of talking to people, collecting visual information and illustration/visualising these stories understanding their 'journey' and using  this as a basis for creating a series of images- maybe if i end up doing 10 people, could end up with 10 prints or 10 books etc (e.g). this project (practical outcome, doesn't have to be about making someone sign up to the register/advertising and persuading, it can just be a visual way for me to communicate the life journeys of these people who are going through organ donation, and I'm using empathy illustration as a way to show this, which at the same time will bring awareness - a form of visual empathy. the point of the process itself is about empathising and sympathising with people and using this as a basis to generate work and tell their stories. - THERE IS ENOUGH DEAPTH TO THIS, though it is a simple premise, a simple idea it is explored with a really level of integrity. - probably at this stage more important then turning it into a campaign.

will it still show synthesis to what i am writing about in my essay (i.e current awareness techniques (campaigns):
stepping away from the subject and dealing with the team - the theme i am dealing with is empathy, in terms and the writing and in terms of the practical.
in terms of the writing piece, the subject then becomes altruism, within health campaigns
in terms of the practical work, this becomes a exploration of these people who have been through transplants etc - dealing with empathy in a practical way not health campaigns.
 -think about this project aim as reversing what i did for the applied illustration project last year,  there is no need to produce a product/application for the illustrations, - its the process and practice of engaging with people and telling their stories.

this project will allow me to explore the process of my illustration and the format will become clear as i go through the process of developing illustration.

drawing from photographs - use this a documenting tool.

carry on developing practical along side writing.
the link - i can look at anybody now who's gone through things like blood donation etc, the synthesis will come through choosing the right people who have been through this journey of transplant etc but I'm looking at it in terms of a visual documentation rather then  written investigation.


Thursday 15 October 2015

contacting organ donation facebook page for primary source information and possible personal case studies

Hi, I have chosen to base my dissertation on the importance of organ donation and wondered weather you would be able to inform me of the current state of organ donation. I am an illustration student and am partially interested in how imagery can have a personal and empathetic impact on others and would love to be able to visually communicate a individuals case study and bring much needed attention to organ donation within my work. I would really appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you! Rebecca Williamson
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for your query. I have attached a link which may help you. However, if you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us again and we can certainly help you further. All the best with your dissertation and your promotion of organ donation - Deborah.
5 hours ago
Hi again smile emoticon,
i am underway with my dissertation i mentioned to you before which is discussing the need for increasing awareness of organ donation. For the practical element of my dissertation, i was hoping to illustrate individuals stories, to encourage empathy and hopefully lead to more people signing up to the register.

I was wondering whether you could help me, or put me in contact with someone who would be willing to speak to me and share their experience which i could document though delicate illustrations.

I was thinking about potentially creating a small book, drawing from several photographs which can be scanned and send to me which show milestones from a persons life, both good and bad, and teaming them up with quotes about these specific parts of their life, or how they was feeling in these photographs/point in their life. I plan to do this with a few people – If I can find willing participants.

i very much take pride in producing work which has a important and sensitive subject matter. i have previously worked with St. George's Crypt, the homeless shelter in Leeds where i illustrated a individuals journey to emphasise that the homeless should not be stereotyped.
here it the link to this work so can see the type of illustrations i could be creating.
Rebecca Williamson Illustration

thank you very much for your time,

Rebecca Williamson
Ba Hons Illustration student, leeds collage of art
I have not yet got primary photographs to start developing my technique with, however, i knew that i would be focusing on portraiture as a way to communicate a transplant recipient/s personal story, so i decided to use photographs of transplant patients from the organ donation website to experiment with a style of illustrating. because the photographs come with captions informing viewers what is wrong with them and other elements of their lives, i felt this would influence and connect to my empathic side and inform my practice - using techniques i feel connotes sensitivity and my empathetic feelings towards the issue (person).

'"This is my son Daniel. He's 13months old, on dialysis 10hrs a day and needs a kidney transplant. Make a difference and join the organ donation register." #sayidonate'

Could pig's organs be used for organ transplantation to humans?
Posted by NHS Organ Donation Campaign on Wednesday, 14 October 2015

My Black Skin
This #BlackHistoryMonth we've teamed up with The ACLT (African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust) to present, ‘My Black Skin’ a poem written by Nicholas Pinnock to encourage black communities to register to become blood donors and sign the Organ Donor Register.
Posted by NHS Organ Donation Campaign on Thursday, 15 October 2015

Tuesday 13 October 2015

poster idea

i think this organ donation poster is really interesting, making you think about organ donation in a completely different way compared to the usual tactics. - using information.
I've tried to develop on this concept by making it more visually obvious that the flies 'eat' you when you die as i feel people have to be bothered to read information sometimes. 
i've used to tag line- 'dont let them take revenge' insinuating that because they are initially lower in the food chain they are getting their own back on us when we can no longer do anything about it.

as it is a poster advertisement i would add recognisable organ donation logo's and where to sign up. i feel that is what this poster lacks - the link to organ donation is really un-obvious without reading the information which i feel is a downfall when posters are designed to give a immediate message to understand.

sending email to my cousin who has contact with an organ transplant patient

'Hi Suzanne! hope you're well! :)

I have started my dissertation project on organ donation and after talking to my tutors  they think I should create work with a personal element, telling someones story to bring awareness to organ donation, encouraging empathy in the hope this will lead more people to sign up to the donor register - instead of creating the usual advertising hard-hitting campaign poster.

I was wondering whether your friend would be interesting in being part of my practical project? This would involve either meeting him in person, or speaking over the phone or email if this isn’t possible, to get more information about his journey – this will give me ideas for the illustrations I want to create.

I was thinking about maybe creating a small book, drawing from several photographs he could scan and send to me which show milestones in his life, both good and badand teaming them up with quotes about these specific parts of his life, or how he was feeling in these photographs/point in his life. I plan to do this with a few people – If I can find willing participants, so the focus wouldn’t be just on him.

i can send some examples of my work so your friend/s can see the type of illustration style i have and will probably be using :)

not a problem if not! 


contact leeds teaching hospital or organ donation Facebook page


methodologies and critical analysis

every dissertation has to evidence a methodology

a methodology - systematics, structured way of organising research project and gathering necessary information/illustration

evidence that you have reflected critically on various research methods and chosen the ones that are most appropriate for your particular research project.

every methodology is unique to my project.  - along as i can justify it its entirely up to me.

palgrave study skills -

literature review -
libraries, journal, internet

a particular theoretical approach

-sample size, reliability and validity

-structured or unstructured? bias?

sketchbooks/critical diaries/reflective logs.

intro - set out approach and contextualise my question, strategy for going about my project.
 500 words max


remember - WHAT DO I WANT TO SAY - the purpose of what i am doing

am i expressing myself clearly and logically?
where else do i need to look i order to fine more evidence?

- serveral sources, dont rely on one thing, one subjective opinion

dont contradict myself
have no relationship to previous statements
does not have any logical sequence
are based on assumptions
present opinion as argument unsupported by evidence
take no account of exceptions or counter claims
try to claim absolute instead of qualified truth.

session with aly - help with dissertation

This week’s focus:
Tutor feedback
Suggested to base creative element on personal story
- get in touch with Leeds teaching hospital, talk to patients - ethical issues of this? How to get to people?

Work done:
Revised structure of plan looked over

Contact already via cousin - success story
Milestone images from his past - high and low

How empathy motivates action

Same images but different text or slant - hard(scare), neutral (facts), soft(positive, you can make a difference)
What in the poster tugged on their hearts to make them act

Ideas for final image
Most people say reason why not on register is because they do not know about it - aim of poster is to use empathy raise general awareness
Picture not hard to look at
Hard hitting = content of persons journey
2 figures, past future, organ donated forms central connection point
Map journey with quotes


Ponder asking on facebook if anyone local can help - via organ donation groups
Get mini pack together of work and rational for study to show prospective participants/ put on fb
Best to write the hardest bit first - to get more opportunities for supervision - so think about which bits in the structure will be trickier

Next time:
·       Structure - revisit and firm up
·       Break in to timeline to chunk up
·       Research got- & what still need for bit 1
·       Reading card - consolidate research in to a table to keep track of info and where it came from/ goes in the dissertation

everyone has a family/people they care about - make them thing about themselves in the situations of the patient/patients family 
the scare, the facts, and the ‘your help makes a difference’

my notes: 
better citizens - book of infomation
 tellinging someones story
something that could sit in the hospital waiting rooms, dentists, library even hairdressing salons as alternatives to the trash mags on ofer!- you are always scouting for something to read. ‘i went to the doctors last week and what have they got..soem atrocious vogue type of magazine, about 30 golf magazines some sort of sports car and cycle crap, and i just thought, there nothing in here that i can be bothered to flick through for 5 mins, whereas something that looks a bit different all looks nice, id have flicked through because it wasn’t this sort of ‘pfft’ thing that was infront of me.’ - captive audience waiting room. 

because the issue is so global, it is something that could be anywhere. 

by not making the initial photographic images hard-hitting/grusome to look at, they may be more inclined to look at it and then will discover what it is about through reading the texts/quotes, by this time they are already captivated in the book. 

the picture can be nice and beautiful to look at (i.e a picture of a person running/laughing/doing an activity) and the hard hitting element can be the quote paired with it about what they have been through - making it shocking to see where they are now/ - success story. what that persons been through is the tear jerker 

‘you can make a difference’ lo

has given us info that we didnt know about even by searching for campaigns - but we’ve had to go out and see that info ourselves 

level of statistics
makes you think ‘on people live with this, all i have to do is a 2 min click on line and and i can help. 

introduction: what the main issue is, why i feel its good a good issue to adress.
x number of people on a waiting list, x number of people are effected, after initial chats to people the main things seem to be lack of awareness that you could even sign up to be a donor, and that campaigns can be hard-hitting and stop people getting involved, so i want to do something that links to empathy because this is a human trait that everybody has. - will discuss how to achieve empathy etc ‘bring out natural altruism’ 

leeds teaching hospital ‘ this is what jam doing and id be really interested to speak to people who have been the recipients of organs or even —
groups on Facebook, ‘is there anybody in leeds that has had a organ donation in leeds that would be willing to discuss and experience and help me, i am looking to creating posters/book to encourage people to sign up to the register. 
  • if i get interest, show them my previous ‘social work’ and explain to them that this is the kind of work that i want to do,would you be able to scan and email me 5 photographs from your life, that show the highest point and the lowest points. explain what they photo means to you, what you were feeling, going through at the time. 

get back in touch with organ donation fb - run idea past her - they are always gonna know someone who’s gone through a really bag time and come out at the other end, somebody who they haven't lost contact with. 

could get a little pack together of previous work, my rationale, why i want to do it, what i want to gain from doing it, al this info could go into a pack to inform them and go into an appendix in my work so it is not wasted. 

woman with a pigs heart?- Aly’s friend. 

  • back to back of what they were before organ donation and what they are now.
  • the past him the present him, and the connecting point in the middle was the organ. 

1 for sorrow... 2 for joy?

I was inspired to draw magpies after thinking about how they would symbolise the sorrow of a dying person due to organ failure, but the second magpie shows that there can be happiness (joy) from a sad situation. 

emotion and motivation

emotion and motivation
chapter 22

One aspect of emotion that is generally agreed upon, however, is that it is associated with physiological reactions: in emotional situations, the body acts. The heart pounds, flutters, stops, and drops; palms sweat; muscles tense and relax; blood boils; faces blush, flush, frown, and smile. We note these reactions in ourselves, and we make inferences about the emotional life of others based on visible bodily responses.

emotion stems from latin work ‘movere’ meaning to move
 both emotion and motivation are fundamentally realated to action

Emotional events can be differentiated on the basis of whether they are good or bad (Arnold 1960), appetitive or aversive (Dickinson 6c Dearing 1979), agreeable or disagreeable (MacLean 1993), positive or negative (Cacioppo & Berntson 1994), pleas­ant or unpleasant (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert 1990), hospitable or inhospitable (Cacioppo, Bernston, & Crites 1996). These valenced events differ in the degree to which they arouse or engage the individual.