Tuesday 10 November 2015

practical ideas after interview

from the images i recieved from adam, they are all about 'the now' - showings he's 'onwards and upwards' persona. Not living in the past or dwelling on what he has been through. 

shadow image - lost, alone, insignificant, out there,
how do you even cope waiting for something and then getting that organ

he clearly very very driven to do this (running)

email him about he's tattoo's - what do they mean? could the text from the tattoos appear in my illustration? or the symbolism to tattoos?


tiny man in a huge landscape - makes me thing of isolation, though he is in a beautiful place, loving life, he is still in a very desolate state. still on he's own dealing with it.

do i just do one image now with a lot of components? 
sketch ideas- see how it works out
could do a few images with same illustration technique (although not at different stages of he's life) - his body is clearly a map of his life.

will it be too messy trying to include all elements in one?

3 images? each showing the same them but different subjects/element of he's life/ journey.
1- him doing the activity combined with other components
2-him with other people, (him in detail, others using negative space, - highlighting the theme of isolation.
3- he's body part- incorporating the maps,

experiment with developing ideas around scared areas.
- success story of how he has gone 'through the wars' and has come out on the other side' use quotes he says about running with no top on, sparks conversation with passes by - spreading awareness.

conquering - showing he's aims etc, map of the route he aims to do. Bob graham round
movement (running)- this also connotes that life moves on. at a high pinnacle, he's going forward.

subtle layering:
incorporating scans of the heart
shape of he's scars in the landscape somewhere
mapping out the route ograham round

using the shapes and colours on here, could even link he's tattoo shapes into shapes on the map to connect it all together.
could overlap this shape (of the route) over he's scan, over him somehow.
this one looks like a scar - could i map these contour lines onto he's body? the elevation could be combined with the heartbeat line or a flat heartbeat line. 

could layer in this digitally, or  use watercolour of heart scan combined with detailed portrait etc work.
even adding the text from he's scan (like this one above) could be mapped on the map.

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