Monday 30 November 2015

first section -
summerise in 1700-2000 words.
just needs to make sure person understands the problems - dont over explain.

go through each of the separate sections and finish them. making sense as a coherant 2000 (eg) words. making each a stand alone chapter.

first chapter:  1700-2000 of what the problems are.

2nd chapter: 2000 looks at a range of egs of campaigns that have used different statergys to engage people with the donation process.

  • shock
  • humour 
  • personal connection
  • celeb endorsement

500 for each? - reference images/campaigns

finishing on celebrity endorsements leading onto the idea of social media in chapter 3.

3rd chapter:
discussing the complexities of engaging with things.
include the idea of the selfish age (freud etc) to realising we are empathetic, to then potentially going back to being self driven with the rise of social media.

leading onto saying how we need a personal connection (interaction)
chapter 4:
in order for us to be more successful in regards to a charity campaign we need to explore the idea of
empathy and how it works within designs/communication.

stucturing of the argument 
more coherant 

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