Wednesday 11 November 2015

as i am wanting to show a variety of components within my illustrations to communicates Adam's story, i wanted to experiment with ways to add the quotes he has given me. in the past i have used digital text which has been ok, but i feel their is a contrast between the 2, whereas i want my illustrations to be absorbed as one image, rather then a illustration accompanied with text to describe.
i was inspired to think about handwritten text after looking at illustrations by Peter Strain. i really like how he's and write type becomes just as much an illustration as the figures he draws. 

after experimenting with how to add the text subtly, i am happy with this development piece as it combines 3 elements of adams life - i like how the epg shape also suggests the shape of a mountain with the silhouette of adam running in it. it also allows me to subtly add the quote.

the quote: 'i look at it like i don't want to disappoint the donor. you try not to waste anything. the whole point in doing this run is to not just prove a point to the general public but to make him and he's family proud. is i do this run and do it, its a celebration of whats achievable. its more fro he's family. like my mum would probably smack me when she realises I've ran 66 miles. she's knows I'm training for something but she doesn't know what. but thats for him.'

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