Monday 30 November 2015

organisations incorporating the personal approach.

Organ donation facebook page

links available from the page.
The link to register is ideal and important, giving the viewer no excuse/ query how to register as they have made it readily available.  

a great idea. one of the main downfalls to the donations system is the fact families do not know their loved ones wishes when they die and this can result in them refusing to allow their recently deceased loved ones organs being donated even if they personally wanted to be a donor. Discussions with families will hopefully increase the consent of transplantations. 

adopting this techniques shows how important it is for someone to see the real life effects and changed their decision to be a donor could have on those in need. learning about someone else life allows people to empathise and think  'it could of been me' increases the likelihood of becoming a donor. 

this technique has been adopted on the organ donation site as well - stressing its effectiveness. 

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