Sunday 29 November 2015

final outcome direction

after peer reviews and tutorials, i feel the best way forward with my project is to create a small (a5 size/or even a5 but in a square shape) book with 5-8 illustrations (depending on how detailed in technique and communication they are) which visually represents adams story he has shared with me in our interview.

the reason i have chosen a book is to play on the idea of a story and so viewers will get to know more about Adam the more they get into the book- developing a personal connection and response.

i want to make the topic of organ donation very subtle throughout each image and focus more on his running, life ambition and what he has achieved so far.

at the end of the book, i plan to end with a short paragraph or even sentence explaining how he had a successful heart transplant at the age of nine - adding the shock factor after viewers have seen the amazing things he has a achieved with his life.
knowing this, viewers will understand why i have included certain visuals in the illustrations which relate to organ donation and hearts.
i feel this technique has worked well in other campaign/art peices i have looked at, such as 'Max' the video about a boy with a heart condition. (referenced earlier in my blog.)

i thought about producing a concertina type book as i think this links in well with the idea of  the ongoing and changing journey Adam has had. however, i think this may deduct attention away from specific visuals that need time to be appreciated in order to understand the concept (especially after finding out about Adams link to organ donation- i want viewers to look again at the images and understand the reasoning for choosing certain visuals in each illustration).

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