Monday 28 December 2015

Tuesday 22 December 2015

choosing between these  finals...

from talking to others, they like the fuller text better, they feel it connotes the idea of mountains better and looks good in black and white 

Monday 21 December 2015


DIRECT MAIL campaign.

this envelope of prints could be used as a campaign and sent by direct mail to the public as a way to personally engage audiences with the the issue of organ donation. 

Burtenshaw, Mahon, and Barfoot in the fundamentals of advertising, claim that direct mail is the ideal advertising platform for building a dialogue with a customer/viewer. charities are likly to use this method as it allows the to  establish long-term communications that build up trust and loyalty.

direct mail allows advertises/organisations to include more information than they would usually be able to include on poster etc - ideal for such a sensitive, personal and important issue/decision like organ donation. 

response rates are relatively low, resulting in a great deal of postal wastage. Some may presume  direct mail is spam,  disposing of without getting opened. 

when carrying out my questionnaire, only 3/9 participants rated direct mail as an advertising strategy they would take most notice of

 by disguising it as a health envelope (hopfully this wont be classed as forgery as it is (would be) a NHS campaign,- but if i couldn't use logo, i would use similar fonts and layouts) this will hopefully make people open the envelope before discarding it as spam. 

things i might need to concider:
should i state 'private & confidential' or is this deceiving?

Thursday 17 December 2015

delivery of practical responses

i thought about handing in my practical responses in a envelope interpreted as a 'nhs'/ health care envelope. the concept that the content of the envelope is personalized illustrations of the addressee, gives the patient a personality instead of being a number on a health database. 

Thursday 3 December 2015

'you could become the boy in the bubble.'

initial idea and layout 
i decided to draw from a difference reference photograph as i feel this image will allow the figure to be the focal point. 
adam mentioned how he wanted the organ donor card/symbol to be included in my work, so i have draw the logo and will play around with overlaying it in my image/s

though the illustration with the large symbol makes the message more prominent, i wanted the concept of organ donation to be elusive so Adam and his running would be the initial focal point of the illustrations, and only when the viewer connects to Adam as a individual and finds out more about him as a person i want his link to organ donation to be linked. i think the small subtle logo makes more sense, i also like how it appears at first to be just part of his running shorts, the logo of his running shorts. 
i played around with adding colour backgrounds to help make the bubble concept stand out, however i feel adding colour makes the illustration look more digital and distracts away from the hand drawn detailed figure which should be the focal point. 

i decided to get rid of the collage mountains i used in the initial design idea, i felt the combination of pencil drawing and collage shape was to contracting ins style and colour. 

as i have gone with the white background, i felt the composition needed something else added to it as it was majority negative/white space due to the landscape format i have had to work to for the book page. perfect opportunity for me to add the quote illustration i created to highlight Adams fell running, heart link (heart line) and a quote from my interview with him. 

For envelope 
the peices which are to go in the envelope (a4 portrait print)  format was easier for me to work with for this design.  

More pages to avoid complication

2 or 3 points in each.

foil name on front page

adding a qr code to link to organ donation site

comment on rhe appropiatness, scope and ambition of the proposed outcomes in realtion to the subject
i like the idea of
 you should propose to do an exhibition of your work at the st georges crypt or at the hospital he had hes operation. 
what scale will the book be?
fold out map/flaps etc might bring story alive

could be pritn and a book as your product 

comment on the quality and quantity of visuals investigation and development of ideas in response to the theme and subject.

i just think you need to execute it now

comment on the documentation for the conceptual and practical development of the work evidenced of the blog
are you going to use the drawing of the man behind the bars of his heart? it is so powerful to look at . could this be the starting of the book. then it tells the story.

comment on the decision regarding the production and proposal of outcomes

i think you should stick with hand drawn type not computer.
you could document how you are going to produce book.

general comment:
i thnk the format you are working in will be really effective in your book- make it interactive. 

8th jan- resolved practical 10-2
getting feedback on exactly what you are going to submit

summative 250 words - how theoretical and practical elements of the project have been synthesised together.  - last post on blog 

14th - submit.
pdf of cop blog - final images on issuu, key devel peices. 
2 bound dissertations.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

developing on previous idea above- leaving shadow idea behind and just focusing on figure. 
though the meningitis pattern didn't work in the shadow, i didn't want to loose it completely! so i experimented with creating a pattern which colour go inside adams hat on the pencil figure drawing. i have combined it with the american flag to connote that he lived in america for 2 years, and a repeated pattern of the time 11:59, the time he remembers seeing on the clock as he went in for surgery. 

as the hat is a small part of the overall drawing, i feel the pattern in the hat does not distract attention from the rest of the drawing but still holds a point of interest and importance.
i have used the meningitis pattern and added it to his shorts aswell as it is only a small part in the hat, but i don't think it looks right!