Tuesday 29 September 2015

summary of COP

question(s) i am wrestling with :-
'what makes a successful campaign when dealing with a sensitive subject (hard hitting verse soft approach)'

'what audiences need to be targeted and what type of campaign will make them more receptive'

-How do humans react to certain campaigns?

-Is there a need for different approaches to same

subject to engage large amount of humans?

hard hitting imagery: are people becoming desensitised to distressing imagery therefre are less effected.

summary of where i am up to with my dissertation research.

common threads appearing from questionnaire to people who have had a transplant or know someone who has:

feel it is not advertised enough, people are just not getting round to signing up even if they agree.

current campaigns from the nhs do not seem to be very enticing or drives you to sign up due to the lack of aestecthics/ impact of the design used.

majority of organ donation campaigns are very straightforward pieces of design. easily understood and recognised as a brand (campaign) with the colour scheme and graphics.

current issues regarding organ donation i have found out (continuing to research)
  • opt in opt out policy now in wales - whats stopping us? 
  • reasons why people are wary of signing up 
  • myth bursting - facts vs fiction. 
  • what ethnicities are of limited supply on the donor register. 

ideas for practical side if disseration
i aim to create work for a campaign to bring awareness of the importance of organ donation. from the research i undertake about what type of advertising strategies are most effective, as a on-going study (sketchbook development) i will create the different types through illustration and use these to test and evidence which campaign was most effective on my chosen audience.

i will also think about where this campaign can exists and the different types of campign i can create:-

donor packages
donor cards
tv sponcerships

could base illustrations on the fact that 1 person could saves 9 lives.

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