Wednesday 9 September 2015

case study feedback from questionnaire - primary source

• What organ transplant have you received?
Stem Cell Transplant - not organ. Stem Cells are the 'starting cells' of most blood cells

• Why did you need this organ transplant?
In an attempt to cure Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

• How old were you when you received this transplant?
23 years old

• How long were you waiting for your transplant?
Not very long. Stem Cells are donated by someone alive, so you just need to wait for a match. Luckily Matt's brother was a match (there was only a 25% chance of this). From diagnosis to transplant it was just short of 4 months.

• What impact has this had on your daily life, and people around you?
Initially after the transplant he was very sick and tired, this started to subside after around 6 months. Unfortunately the leukaemia returned after 11 months and he had to have a 'top up' of cells - this has caused severe side effects, mainly to his skin and mobility is severely reduced and the home has had to be adapted to accommodate his needs. He's also on anti- depressants and regularly has 'down' days especially if his mobility is particularly bad one day, he often feels like he is 'letting people down'

As for people around him. I (Matt's wife) have severe anxiety- which effects me in many ways. Doctors have suggested I have a type of PTSD - my memory can be poor, I stress about small things and contribute any 'illness' in Matt to the leukaemia and panic it's returning.

Our life is very different to how I imagined, but he is my hero for fighting through this and despite our 'down days' we try and be as 'normal' as we can.

• Do you think organ donation is publicized enough?
No, not at all, especially Stem Cell Donation. People believe it is still like a Bone Marrow Transplant - which is perceived to be really painful, so think that makes people reluctant. However most (80% or so) blood cancer patients actually get Stem Cells now - which is no different to giving blood - just in a bigger scale!

• How do you think people can be encouraged to sign up?
Organ Donation when you die should be made 'opt out' not 'opt in'. Stem Cell donation requires people to be better informed - maybe at blood donation sessions?

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