Thursday 17 September 2015

promoting organ donation through challenge campaigns.

promoting organ donation through challenge campaigns.

  • another potential in the effort to educate and mobilise people to register as organ donors is the idea of social media to bolster competition among groups seeking to promote donation. D’alessandro et al recently showed success in the regard - their efforts yielded increase in marketing students’ understanding of transplant and an increase of 10% in registration. future efforts could use social media to disseminate the message efficiently and provide educational and promotional materials to their target audiences, who are accustomed to social media as a means to communicate among peers an friends. 

-(breast cancer awareness selfie, ice bucket challenge) 

Practical idea
i could create a online campaign which people have to sign the donor register after taking part
- post a selfie with their donor card?
-post a selfie next to the screen shot of their page after registering online?

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