Saturday 25 April 2015

thinking about single image resolution

since the crit on Friday, i have changed the composition of my illustration and added detailed arms to the man, below i have played around with adding the interview of tony to the background of the portrait as suggested by Eleanor to give the piece are stronger and clearer concept. 
Eleanor suggested adding the text by hand to add to the handmade, personal feel of the piece. 
before experimenting with this, i was wary that adding more detail (text) to the piece would overcrowd it and possibly take the attention away from he's illustrated story in the t-shirt.
after adding it, i can see eleanors point for adding the text as it does make it feel compete- showing he's whole story through image and text, although i still think i need to play around with the layout. i have played around with the opacity of the text to try and make it less invasive on the focal point of the piece (the illustrated story and he's portrait. 

if i keep the text, i have also played around with removing the outline of the t-shirt as the text does this anyways. 

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