Saturday 25 April 2015

Puzzle game instruction research and designs

  • keeping the colour scheme continuous and in conjunction with the grey colours i have used in the illustrations. 
  • using terminology used in the game/puzzle examples above to create a strong and believable puzzle replica but to also illustrate my concept.  i.e Special addition - symbolising how he is 'special' an individual - should not be grouped and judged in a stereotype. 
  • as well as the muted colours, i have used a simple layout to maintain a sophisticated, sensitve tone. 

above are my first attempt at creating the text inserts for the jigsaw pack. i feel the font i chose it quite contemporary and direct which is in keeping with the sincere and straight talking topic.  however iam struggling with the layout of the writing, especially on the first page, i feel the font does not look right on a large scale- to bare and happy, and the placement of the title add ons (special edition etc) are not correct. 

i decided to ask my flatmate Liam who is studying graphic design for advise. he mocked up these designs above with my required information. these designs remind me more of what you would expect from instructive text - i realised games are designed to focus on the idea (game) rather than the visual instructions, there to be easily understood so need to have a simple font and simple straightforward layout, which i feel these have. 
however i didn't particularly want the interview text to be spread across to pages, but i do agree that having the text all on is over-faced and cramp, making it less appealing to read.  to avoid printing 2 separates pages, i will make the interview text double sided to make it clear the texts follows on and is not a separate piece of text. this is something that i have noticed being done in commercial games aswell - this is probably to avoid unnecessary extra printing and save on costs. 
i really like the way the title of the puzzle is present on each piece of text, maintaining a strong brand identity. i also like the line that differentiate the instructive text and the title, i feel this guides the eye and makes it simpler to understand. 

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