Thursday 23 April 2015

presenting the jigsaw

to add context to my idea, i want to present the jigsaw puzzle as you would usually find a jigsaw puzzle (in a box)

i think using an old graze box and re-branding/designing the box will be a way forward for me as i think the size and format it exactly what i want. on the inside lid i plan to add the case study interview by tony for the person to read as a instruction for building up the jigsaw journey of he's life. 

 creating the net of the gaze box on my own card

i was in two minds weather to go with black or white card. i decided to chose black as it was in keeping with the sincerity and respectfulness of the piece, i also thought this would be a better colour as it will look more professional as it is less likely to get marked or appeal grubby.
though it was very useful having the graze box net to work from, the taps and format of the of the net were very tricky to cut out, however, minus a few mistakes, i am happy with the result of the box and feel it will hold the jigsaw well. 

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