Tuesday 12 January 2016

Direct mail campaign idea and development

final decision on the wording 

after discussions with peers, i have decided to keep the wording on my initial envelope.
reasons we discussed:

 -private and confidential
the decision that the donor decides to make is private and confidential as it is their decision and their decision alone. 

it would be the NHS or Organ Donation organisation sending out the campaign. 

it is important information as people need to be more aware of the scarce of organs and how you can save someones life by becoming a donor. 

first print out:
i had a bit of trouble with the first print of the envelope as i made it a tiny bit too small to fit in the a4 illustrations- i didn't account for the space it would need to fit the thickness all 6 pages would come to. very snug!

i also found when folding the envelope, the lines i created on photoshop for the template where very obvious, though i needed them as a guideline of where to fold, however i think i will print it out again in a very low opacity so the lines are hardly noticeable when i fold but clear enough for me to see when folding. 

i have added stats about organ donation and the importance of becoming a donor to clarify a stronger message - i think for someone receiving this who didn't know my project and aim, it would be very random getting a letter with a persons story on without it being in context.

Thinking about a wider demographic:
from the research i gained whilst doing my dissertation, i found different people react to different types of campaigns. it also made me consider how not everybody (especially the elderly) have access to a computer or are computer savvy, therefore just providing information about how to register online would be a ineffective,  so i decided to add a letter of consent inside with a envelope (that hypothetically would be free postage) for those who would rather use the postal service to sign up to the register.  

within the letters above, i have tried include the majority of the points listed below by the organ donation organisation of what they feel needs to be included for an effective form communication and awareness advertising.
envelope the consent letter to go back in. 

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