Thursday 7 January 2016

'FACT - acts of kindness makes YOU feel happier. '

 Stanford University psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky decided to put the kindness-fulfillment connection to the test. She asked students to carry out five weekly "random acts of kindness" of their choice.
The students reported higher levels of happiness than a control group, with students who performed all five kind acts in one day reaping the biggest rewards by the end of the six-week study period. Previous studies have found that altruistic people tend to be happy.

Lyubomirsky's found that that good deeds are actually the direct cause of an increase in people a strong sense they're doing something that matters.

"There are a lot of positive social consequences to being kind—other people appreciate you, they're grateful and they might reciprocate,"

"Being kind helps you feel in control," Greenbaum says. "By doing a good deed, you're saying, 'Here's something I can do to change the world.'

I found the literature above whilst researching and producing my disseration text. Though i believed it at the time, from personally connecting with Adam (transplant recipient), getting to know him, what he has been through, and understanding more about organ donation, i have strived to produce work that he would be proud of.  Considering what he wanted me to express in my work (visuals and feelings) to show my enthusiasm and respect i have for what he has achieved. 

when showing my work to Adam, he was really pleased with the outcomes and has been posting them himself on his 'xplantrunner blog', facebook and twitter which is great as this will bring awareness to organ donation - the main aim of my project.  

-So like the litrature above, by thinking about others and producing something i want Adam to be proud of and hopefully encourage people to think about becoming a donor has made me feel happy that my efforts are going towards a good cause, making someone else happy. 

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