Monday 1 December 2014

st georges crypt talk

st georges cypt book: entertaining angels - read it!
celebrated the first 75 years of the crypt

background story:
tells stories about the guy who originally set up the crypt - worked himself to death through passion of the cause - devotion

synopsis of the crypt:
leeds was a dead place
people slept on the floor,
people who paid for a grave spot- that money went towards the place

survived by volunteers

sleep now on average 136
full catering forcinities
support workers

average age of homeless people who went to the crypt when he started 15 yrs ago - 45 now 24  -8 years from leaving school!
many reasons for this

open everyday 24 hours

2 hostels

regent terrace (the crypt)  is where homeless people who have been rejected from other places

rebuilding a life

modern airy building, place of hope and a beacon of light
make your way in life to get your life

nuture/nurture cafe- deals with catering

people on the streets on leeds - professional, not beggers! registered with the police (pimped by gangs?) easy to pray on students

people are brought to the crypt by police, ambulance etc if found on the street and stay in the hub

created bedroom spaces fro people coming out of hospital but still needs clnical care

julian - guest speaker who has experienced the crypt himself and now works there - success story from a troubled past. 

  • fist encounter 2007 -his perception of the crypt was just as a soup kitchen.
  • he was a heroin addict went there for a na meeting, at the time has a really good job
  • fast forward 7 years - lived in an degrading homeless place surrounded by other addicts
  • didn't know how to stop using

  • works at faith lodge
  • got clear there.
  • so much support from people who cared passionately about what they are doing

crypt changed he's life -

changing atitudes to homlesses.
want the book to blow away presumptions

how to get involved

will send us all a email
send back images of our work
after christmas a tour


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