Monday 1 December 2014

practical proposal form.


 Module Code 

 Module Title
Context of Practice 2

1. Outline how you have identified an issue and approached practical responses so far

I have decided to look at the issue of homelessness. i decided on this after exploring the theme of ‘growth is not necessarily good’ a quote from the …manifesto  and linked homelessness as  a possible downfall of over population.
So far I have illustrated issues and situations that relate to homelessness such as charity shops, soup kitchens, food banks, and homeless people in general.
I could develop by looking at Housing, medical welfare, animals, etc

2. Identify the ways in which your visual responses and theory are connected. How and why does one process inform the other?

‘how are the homeless represented in British society.’ My essay will focus on explaining the stereotypical views public have about homeless people and why, it will also identify specific case studies of people who are homeless to show the other side to the stereotype. My visual work will highlight the specific case studies of homeless people, taking a more in-depth look into their lives and why they have ended up homeless. I will illustrate portraits, surroundings they find/have found themselves etc.
I could contact local organisation such as st Georges crypt, heart hounds to try and establish relationships with individual – could potentially create a campaign they could use to attract people in.

3. List the visual research sources you are using to develop and inform your practical responses

St George’s crypt
Leeds city
Lee Jeffries photography
How they are represented in films – never a possitve rep
Shelter (website) case studies of individuals
Simon on the streets – fundraiser see what its like living on the street (visit website)  - blue plaques
Types of people
Homless ex forces

4. Begin to define the visual aspect of CoP2 here: bullet point your action plan for practical production of visual development and the 8-12 page publication. (content should be ideas-based at this stage: roughs and investigating media)

·       Talking to individuals about there reasons for being homeless- and how they got to that stage (at st crypt.)
·       Photography st crypt, and draw from.
·       Sketch the indivuals, and the surroundings there in (st  crypt)
·       Ask a number of people there views on homeless people.
·       Observational drawing.
·       Kit list – possessions essentials to survive (simon on the streets)

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