Tuesday 23 December 2014

i think this image connotes a very strong message about how people are quick to dismiss and judge people on the street, putting them into the same category of why they are on the streets - i.e drugs/drink.  which often leads to the public ignoring them on the streets.  

Contextual reference

i think this image connotes a very strong message about how people are quick to dismiss and judge people on the street, putting them into the same category of why they are on the streets - i.e drugs/drink.  which often leads to the public ignoring them on the streets. 
the idea of using a low opacity, or drawing a figure with a very gentle technique could emphasise this issue- something i can develop on when creating my practical response. 

Contextual Reference

  •  i think the combination of text and image work really well and makes for a stronger, harder hitting concept/narrative. 
  • i like the idea that these art piece are out in the world, in places perhaps homeless people have slept.
  • the campaign website where i found these pieces brought awareness to the issues by selling off individual square sections of the big illustrations, this is really clever way of making multiple amounts of money on one piece. 

Thursday 4 December 2014

censorship and 'truth'

photographic manipulation

ansel adams- landscape photography- manipulates images in the dark room to render a different representation of scene i.e. seasons, time of day

people getting removed from photos- stolin

9/11- photo manipulation used to promote
kate winslet- legs elongated on gq mag - photoshop

robert capa- death of a loyalist soldier 1936

text and image together imply a persuasive belief/opinion/response

image or representation of something/someone:

  • it is a reflection of a basic reality 
  • masked and percerts a basic reality
  • makes the absence of a basic reality
  • bears no relation to any reality whatever 
jean baudrillard the gulf war did not take place 1995 p.40
'it is a masquerade of information:branded faces delivered over the prositution of the image' 

censor: a person to authorise examine films,letter or publication in order to ban or cut anything considered obscene or object able 
to ban or cut portions of )a film, letter or publication)

ethics code of behavious professional or individual 

everybody everywhere wants to modify, transform, embellish enrich and reconstruct the world around him.  

things that have nothing to do with product being advertised= deliberately provocative 

'decoritive models so soeem to increase recognition and recall of the advertisement itself..'

opuim advertisment- 
opium - implies drugs 
sexual exsity 

history of fine art- full of nudes - agnolo bronzino, venus, cupid, folly and time. 145 oil on wood sifulis 

obscenity law
to protect art whilst prohiniity trash
the dividing line between speech and non speech 
the dividing line between proison and freedom  

sally man photographer candy cigarette 1989
making her look a lot more adult
confrontational mood
immediate family -at what point does it stop - who's rights?

tierney gearon 2001 -the use of mask - does it make it more sinister?
upper crust ' art lovers are paying £5 ahead to ogle degrading snaps...' 
nan goldin klara and edda belly dance 1998
richard prince, spiritual america 1983- brook shields-  appeared in mag - her mother had authorised this 'a body with 2 different sexes, maube more, a head that looks like its got 2 different birthdays' gary gross

michele cornoyer - the hat 2000 animation
deals with a woman stripping in strip club
takes it back to a issue in her childhood

just how much should e believe the 'truth' represented in the media?
and shouldd we protected from it?
is the manipulation of the truth fair game 

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Record of Study Support Tutorial

Rebecca Williamson

Illustration (yr 2) level 5

Work Covered today

Cop - Proposal and structure

Practical proposal form – looked at template

-       Essay question – how the homeless are represented in British society
-       Challenging thoughts and stereotypes
-       Creating a more human representation

St Georges Crypt
Hearthounds (fb group – try contact Sarah Fretwell to connect)
Pay as you feel cafĂ© – Armey ‘junk food project’

Dehumanising elements
Try tell story of individual to challenge assumptions – what’s the back story?

Show journey of person from birth to homelessness – non stereotypical situation

Brilliant images
Description: http://blog.onemodelplace.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/slide_197485_479302_large.jpghttp://www.bing.com/images/search?q=homlessness+artists+campaigns&qpvt=homlessness+artists+campaigns&

blog by person affected who wants to use art to engage and dispel myths



·      Aly do

·      Student do

Work up bullets
Think about local groups like hearthounds, simon on the streets, leeds council as routes in
get stats – gov and charity re homeless figures and reasons why
get ideas re people stories and reasons why people are on the street

Focus for next week

heart hounds

a campaign set up to not only help the homeless people but there dogs too. 

primary data- people to potentially contact further about this charity campaign:-
sarah fretwell
Jessica fleet

ask what peoples assumptions are and if they have changed

dehumanising people

stories behind

centre point

Monday 1 December 2014

Inspired and determined after st georges Crypt talk.

after the St George's crypt talk telling us about there new project for students to take part in, i have much more enthusiasm about carrying on with my chosen topic of Homelessness for my Cop module. Especially after listening to a real persons personal journey into homelessness. this was very hard hitting, it has made the issue much more real to me, making me what to produce work which can inspire/touch people in the same way Julian did with us through he's speech.

before meeting julian, i had never met someone who has had a homeless background,  before i found it hard to sympathies/put my self in a homeless persons shoe as i have never really thought about it happening to a 'real' person, just something you here about or see on the tv - it has been a taboo subject, almost like it didnt really exists.

Five portraits made to describe five different homeless women, their daily life and their shelter.
i really like the simplicity of these portaites and how they draw the portrait of the person but also show elements of them as a person or what they are experiencing in life in the illustration . 



Research Proposal form

BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 05
OUIL501 Context of Practice 2
STUDIO BRIEF 1 - Research Proposal

Look at the ideas and sketchbook work produced for CoP2 by another member of your group. Suggest ideas for areas of further research, for each of the following categories, which will ultimately inform any decisions concerning their overall research question for the module.

Proposed Research Question or Theme
‘How are the homeless represented in British society?’

1. (Research Behind) What research needs to be undertaken into the general and specific contexts of the Research Project?

Questionnaire- need a wide range of options from peers/public of there views on the homeless so I know what type of sterotypes people have. – heart hounds- why have they got those oppinions- has there opinions been changed
Research into real reasons why people become homeless that we don’t account for.

Figures on the amount of homeless people
House care cant be sustained
Jobs cant be sustained
Visit gov homelessness interesting to see governments stats
Homeless link website
62% are hidden not accounted for
leeds council
– local stats for leeds

2. (Research Through) What approach(es) could be taken and what processes, methods, materials and tools could be involved in the Research Project?

Visit homeless shelters/help centres
·       Talk to the homeless people
·       Find out what actions are taken at these places and how they help
·       Connect with local online groups that are dong something practuvel in the area what they think will change publics minds

Internet: research into reasons why people are homeless to have a broader idea of how people get into situations they have to use homeless shelters.
Find out how many sterotypicals views there are of the homeless – top 5 answers bet don’t match to the 5 top fact answers.

Read st georges crypt

3. (Research For) What preparation or investigations needs to undertaken for the Research Project to take place?
Need to arrange a time to visit st georges crypt.
Take pictures of people on the streets/the surroundings they live
Take pictures at st georges, observational drawings of the people, environment.

4. (Research In Front of) What research needs to be undertaken regarding who the project is for?

Idea of speaking to local groups to see what campaign would work to help raise awareness of the issues that theya re trying to support and challenge. Ie fundraising support, changing peoples attitures – ie blue plaque idea – empathy, strong concept, physical place where homelessness takes place.

Sources of further Research (illustrators, books, websites)
Lee Jefferies
Silvia stolen

Street storys .org.co.uk – local aritist making prints of actual stuff and selling them which goes towards helping people off the streets  ‘my mum chose him’ produced in ouside spaces

‘Admit I exsiste’
homeless people getting involved in the campaign.

Suggestions for a revised Research Question(s) based on the above.

The truth about homelessness
How homelessness could happen to you/ (ie easily could happen)
Why homelessness should not be stereotyped – case studies
Photographic time lines of a case studies – people can relate to sitiuations they have been in similar.

practical proposal form.


 Module Code 

 Module Title
Context of Practice 2

1. Outline how you have identified an issue and approached practical responses so far

I have decided to look at the issue of homelessness. i decided on this after exploring the theme of ‘growth is not necessarily good’ a quote from the …manifesto  and linked homelessness as  a possible downfall of over population.
So far I have illustrated issues and situations that relate to homelessness such as charity shops, soup kitchens, food banks, and homeless people in general.
I could develop by looking at Housing, medical welfare, animals, etc

2. Identify the ways in which your visual responses and theory are connected. How and why does one process inform the other?

‘how are the homeless represented in British society.’ My essay will focus on explaining the stereotypical views public have about homeless people and why, it will also identify specific case studies of people who are homeless to show the other side to the stereotype. My visual work will highlight the specific case studies of homeless people, taking a more in-depth look into their lives and why they have ended up homeless. I will illustrate portraits, surroundings they find/have found themselves etc.
I could contact local organisation such as st Georges crypt, heart hounds to try and establish relationships with individual – could potentially create a campaign they could use to attract people in.

3. List the visual research sources you are using to develop and inform your practical responses

St George’s crypt
Leeds city
Lee Jeffries photography
How they are represented in films – never a possitve rep
Shelter (website) case studies of individuals
Simon on the streets – fundraiser see what its like living on the street (visit website)  - blue plaques
Types of people
Homless ex forces

4. Begin to define the visual aspect of CoP2 here: bullet point your action plan for practical production of visual development and the 8-12 page publication. (content should be ideas-based at this stage: roughs and investigating media)

·       Talking to individuals about there reasons for being homeless- and how they got to that stage (at st crypt.)
·       Photography st crypt, and draw from.
·       Sketch the indivuals, and the surroundings there in (st  crypt)
·       Ask a number of people there views on homeless people.
·       Observational drawing.
·       Kit list – possessions essentials to survive (simon on the streets)