Sunday 28 June 2015

organ donation digital marketing

publicity guide to promoting organ donation

To be effective in your communications, you will need to repeat the same simple messages:
  • Three people die every day in the UK in need of a transplant.
  • You can help save lives after your death: one organ donor can save/transform up to nine lives.
  • Tell your loved ones you want to be an organ donor so they know you have made a decision to donate if and when you can.
  • Anyone can register. There are no barriers to joining the ODR.
  • Even if you carry a donor card you should sign onto the NHS Organ Donor Register to make a lasting record of your wishes.
  • To register or find out more call the Organ Donor Line on 0300 123 23 23 or visit 

Areas of potential Specific focus.

Raising awareness in Black and South Asian communities

Organ matching is likely to be closer when the ethnicity of the donor and recipient are the same. But 27% of patients on the transplant waiting list are BAME, yet there is a real shortage of organ donors from these communities. As a result, on average, patients from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities will wait a year longer for a kidney transplant than a White patient.

66% of Black, Asian and some Ethnic Minority (BAME) communities living in the UK refuse to give permission for their loved ones organs to be donated. Yet there are more than 650 Black people waiting for an organ in the UK.

Patients from BAME communities are more likely to need an organ transplant than the rest of the population as they are more susceptible to illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes and certain forms of hepatitis, all of which may result in organ failure and the need for a lifesaving transplant.

BAME communities will wait a year longer for a kidney transplant than a White patient

Monday 22 June 2015

life stories of organ recipents on Organ donation facebook page

"Having a transplant not only gave me a new zest for life, but made me appreciate just how important organ donation is..."

"My mother had kidney failure and my brother had a kidney transplant too. It's a hereditary condition, which has a slow progression; the kidney just gets smaller and smaller,"

Despite having a rare tissue type, Jacqueline was given the life-changing kidney transplant after being on the waiting list for around 18 months.

"Lines from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, sum up how I feel perfectly. Life is calling me... I feel I have been, not once but, 'Twice Blessed'," said Jacqueline.

More than 25 years after her transplant,Jacqueline has well and truly found her sea legs having travelled around the globe including participating in one of sailing's most gruelling battles: the Fastnet yacht race...all whilst promoting the importance of organ donation and transplantation.

my reaction 
reading stories like these makes me even more determined to bring awareness to rogan donation. although i was a donor before starting this project, is has definitely made me realise how important it is and made me think about if i was in that position. 

accessibility - advantages and disadvantages. 
it was very easy for me to inform myself on organ donation and find peoples stories thanks to the facilities on offer on the facebook webpage etc, before the internet informing yourself on issues like this was probably a lot more fuss then people would be willing to make, showing how important the page is and can easily change someone else mind on organ donation as well.... however this page is not only the only easy accessed thing on the internet, there are so many things available to occupy people and therefore so much competition so promotion and advertising of the site/cause is vital to have any change of pulling people away from everything else we are bombarded with.

Before i activity searched for a Organ donation facebook page - i was no wiser one actually existed - yet i was immediately informed about a clothing sales at abacrombie... ?? doesn't seem right to me. 

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Young Careers - itv this morning Tuesday 9th
Concidering there own lives 
Visit itv this morning website 

Thursday 4 June 2015

choosing Organ donation as my Dissertation Focus

in the news at the moment as wales becomes the first UK country to use the opt-outscheme (presumed consent unless stated otherwise) instead of the voluntary sign up to the organ donor register.

ITV news stated that organ transplant in England has dropped by 5% - therefore this issue is one that need to be reinforced and made aware of.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

social issues

list of potential social issues i could exslore for COP 3
  • Abortion
  • Ageism / Age Discrimination
  • Animal Rights
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Anti-Muslim Discrimination
  • Binge Drinking
  • Bullying
  • Capital Punishment / Death Penalty
  • Child Abuse
  • Child Labor
  • Classism
  • Date Rape
  • Disaster Relief
  • Domestic Violence
  • Drug Abuse / Drug Addiction
  • Eating Disorders
  • Euthanasia / Mercy Killing / Assisted Suicide
  • Gang Violence
  • Gay Rights
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Gentrification
  • Gun Control
  • Health Care Disparities
  • Homelessness
  • Honor Killings
  • Identify Theft
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Obesity
  • Organ and Body Donation
  • Poverty
  • Smoking / Tobacco Use
  • Social Networking and Privacy
  • Spousal Abuse
  • Steroid Use in Sports
  • Stereotyping
  • Suicide
  • Terrorism 
  • Unemployment
  • Violence in Schools
I've taken these from the list stated on the site link above, highlighting the ones of particular interest based on my own interest and the fact some are issues being discussed in the news recently. 

i wanted to choose a social issue to base my dissertation on because i find creating work with real meaning that could possible help bring awareness to the important issue/problems really interesting and time well spend. i like the idea of informing myself about problems happening in the world. 

protential research project

IDEA 1 beauty in other cultures

identify relevant and inspiring quotes: 

- The term sociological imagination was coined by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959 to describe the type of insight offered by the discipline of sociology. The term is used in introductory textbooks in sociology to explain the nature of sociology and its relevance in daily life.

identify locations / senses of place that connect to your ideas:

-social media

identify websites:

Ideas 2 - Ordinary

2 – artists who paint etc ordinary – what do they say about their work
3  -  norman rockwell – ordinary life
4 - Richard Billingham's family photographs
5 - martin parr

identify 5 locations / senses of place that connect to your ideas
1. home
2. super markets
3. street scene
4. bus /public transport
5. café

IDEA 2 self image / reinvention of self

in media society – rise of selfie
Faking reality – bogus travel
Tagging pics – can authorise.

How can this link to digital art – how media infiltrates art in digital age (adorno, Benjamin)
What want viewer to see rather than whats real

distorted body image -

identify 5 relevant and inspiring quotes (from at least 3 texts)
1 – kardashian  - selfie
2 – digital – airbrush society
3 -  media control – what is the reality
4 – big brother effect - fascination with fake
5 – distorted body image – jenny savile

identify 5 locations / senses of place that connect to your ideas
1: shopping centres – displays.
2 instagram, twitter, facebook, tv

identify 5 websites

IDEA : Organ Donation.

identify 5 relevant and inspiring quotes (from at least 3 texts)

1.     death is just the beginning of another life. –upanishads

2. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill

3- "A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives." Jackie Robinson

4- "Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting." Elizabeth Bibesco

5 ’to the world you may be one person. but to on person, you may be the world’ –dr seuss

identify 5 locations / senses of place that connect to your ideas

1. hospital
2. hospital waiting areas
3.  liam neeeson wife nathasha Richardson -''keeping three people alive''
4. Could interview my cousins friend – had organ transplant at 8years old

identify 5 websites


collect 5 relevant and inspiring images

Thinking about COP 3 project ideas.

we had to come up with 4 research project we could explore for our dissertation. tutors suggested looking at previous projects we have done that we could possibly develop
projects i could develop:

Beauty in other cultures.
Body Image