Monday 16 February 2015

ideas for 8 imaged publication

'look closer'
opacity on the face is low - almost invisible (much like how alot of homeless people can appear to passes by, often people assume they are there because of there own choices or bad discussions they have made.) a possible idea i could develop is showing the homeless persons face almost invisible gradually getting clearer through the images (8 images) as there story is being told (illustrated) around them.

Gemma Anderson

the way Gemma adds objects/things around her portrait drawings could be a technique i could explore when thinking of ways to tell and illustrates the persons story around them.

'patients need to be heard'

another way i could add the persons story in  their portraits is  use text, textures, images related to their story to build up the layers and tones of the person face, adding to the concept if that if you look closer into the persons life (at the portrait) you will find out the reasons for why they are in the situations they are.

if i did it with 8 people -there wouldn't be start or a finish.
best to do final piece first.

transparent flip book- build up of - first worst case scenario. - peel away badness to get to the person.
or start with person
map, contrasting colours, tones.

first aid box- instructions - add the layers to reveal journey. remove layers to reveal person.

grayson perry 
- ceramic - beautiful from a far but upclose you can see he has illustrated serious,  quite shocking issues.

2 peoples lives -
facelessness of homelessness - flipping contrast having the face bare which gets filled up with images/words

grayson perry - the vanity of small differences.

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