Friday 3 October 2014

task 1

The first CoP seminar and practice session will focus on the themes of society and politics. To prepare for this, you are asked to read the two manifestoes selected for discussion, "First things First" (1964 & 2000) and "An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth", (Bruce Mau). From these, select two quotes from either of the texts, that interest / inspire you.
You are then asked to go to the college library to select 2 illustrative images (from a valid source/s), which you feel have a relationship with your selected quotes and which you feel are both meaningful and visually interesting. These quotes and images should be printed onto 2 separate sheets of A4 paper and (a) brought to the first CoP sessions on 10th October and (b) posted to the relevant section of your blog.
Research Sources/Further Information

quotes i found interesting:
growth is not necessarily good
as long as you stick to good, you'll never have any growth
begin anywhere
learn to follow when it makes sense
strange things happen when you've gone to far
every object has the capacity to stand for something other than what is apparent 
today is the child of yesterday and the parent of tomorrow. the work you produce to today will create your future. 

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