Tuesday 6 May 2014

deciding on people

After recieving feedback from the theory into practice crit off my peers and matt, I think I would rather dedicate my final resolutions to woman that perhaps are not currently in the media and have done things in the past which perhaps have been overlooked or forgotten over time- such as women like Beyonce Knowles, though i feel she is a good example of a modern day feminist and a woman who has made her success through her own drive and ambition as a woman, i feel my subject matter will not be obvious if i show a picture of Beyonce, peoples first thought will probably be music or media when presented with her picture, whereas if i was to show a group of woman from different backgrounds from the past, some well know, some not, a broader concept will be made.

potential women:
ROSA PARKS                       -activist, refused to give up her seat on the black section of a bus for a
                                               white man.
MARIE CURIE                     -first woman to win nobel price
MARGARET THATCHER  -first woman priminister
ELEANOR ROOSEVELT    -longest serving lady of the United States
LUCRETIA MOTT               -a women's rights activist, and a social reformer.
MOTHER TERESA              -humanitatian, devoted to helping the poor, sick,needy, and the helpless. 
MAYA ANGELOU               -has received dozens of awards and honorary doctoral degrees -    
                                                internationally recognised 
AMEILA EARHART            -first female aviator to fly solo across the atlantic.
MARGARET FULLER        -American journalist, critic and womans rights activist.

after researching further into these woman i have chosen to focus on ROSA PARKS, ELEANOR ROOSEVELT, MAYA ANGELOU, and AMELIA EARHART. though all the woman deserve crediting, i feel these 4 are recognised for different and equally amazing achievements as a independent woman.

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