Thursday 24 April 2014

discussion with matt

i was still concerned that my idea was to basic when showing it to the class in the crit.
i showed my refined idea of combining the portraits of the powerful woman to matt along side the individual portrait of the women. 
changes to my idea- adding a subtle halo around there heads to add to the concept of their sacredness.
showing them as old age woman instead of in there prime or what we recognise them to be ( young and powerful) 

theory into practice progress tutorial

key pointers:
liked the technique of using block areas of white to represent the shape of the clothes-as including clothes would set them apart from each other 
how i will capitalise on the feedback - i will carry on and develop on this technique as i think it implies the women are equal with no objectification or judgments to be made on there bodies appearance. this also will work if i give them similar facial expressions so none can read into their mood or persona either. 

by just presenting the heads shows them as empowered and easy recognisable- my opinion on the subject matter comes through strongly.

good for someone to see who does not recognise all of the woman- everyone will recognise at least one and can then research into others through curiosity since i am suggesting they are of equal significance. 
i could maybe include woman that i did not know about until researching into them for this project, in the hope that other people also are not familiar with them and there significance, hopefully this will make my work more engaging and interesting to look into. 

small use of colour around the head looks really good (rosa parks drawing)-makes them stand out by contrast-kind of like their glowing. 

could experiment with 3d lines to give the impression of rocks if i was to go forward with mount Rushmore idea. 

try my ideas out visually before ruling them out.

potential layout of women

developing layout to conform to the mount rushmore layout. 

i have deleted clothing areas under each of the faces to just show a block white outline of clothing, to make the faces more prominent-like the technique i used when drawing rosa parks and beyonce earlier on in my idea development. 

though this layout shows each of the women equally, i feel that Rosa Parks seems to be the focal point to the image as she is in the middle and therefore is the focal point. 

i experimented with using photoshop to create the block shape of colour instead of using collage material or just a outline to give the impression of the clothing shape. 

Monday 21 April 2014

Possible layout of women

using a simple layout and composition of the women with no background scenery will focus more attention on them themselves. 
by dressing them in outfits that they would wear/outfits from the time period they lived/live in will exaggerate the time difference between all these woman and how they all still have one thing in common- there determination to be independent and empowering  as a woman. 

however one problem i have mention previously about showing there figures and clothes, is that this may give people a opportunity to judge there appearance, which is something i want to avoid in my work, as my concept is to show how these woman are known for there accomplishments as people, not for how they look. 
Statues of South African Notables
These are statues of famed South African civil rights leaders and politicians. Their achievements in bringing unity to South Africa are memorialized in this monument.

researching into religious iconography

     i feel this halo is to bold and obvious, makeing the image look a bit tacky.
  this one is too bright, and detracts attention away from the figure, something i really want to avoid.

 this image of the halo is my favourite as it is subtle and blends in well with the background scenery. 
from researching into religious iconography i have noticed each have the denotation of a halo. 
as  a halo connotes a sacred person this could be something i could subtly incude when drawing the empowering woman to connote there significance and angle like qualities. 

when conducting my semiotic analysis, one image i analysed (1950'housewife) included a halo around the woman's head to give the impression that the woman was a 'saint' 
by including subtle elements like this in my images, is backing up the theory of how signs in images can be read in a certain way in our culture due to our shared knowledge and understanding of there meanings and will also create a strong link with my essay.

i think this is a interesting effect to create a halo and does blend in with the rest of the image due to the style is is created in- but this technique i feel will be too graphical, especially if i was to combine it with a pencil drawing, it would look to mis matched.

this style however, i feel could easily be aplied to a pencil drawing as it is very subtle and delicate, much like the drawings i want to create.

Sunday 20 April 2014

feedback from Matt

matt felt that i was thinking to much into this project and trying to think of ideas which were complicating my subject matter and what i need to show.
he suggested just refining my work and going back to my original idea/experiments of just drawing in detail the person of recognition to a high detail standard -

key pointers from Matts feedback :-

needs to be more critical of contextual research.

keep it simple and visually powerful.

"on occasions your ideas are too literal. though at other times they are immediate and dynamic. can you see the difference? be confident in your abilities and see how they can continue to evolve into something innovative."

after speaking to matt he said he felt that i was thinking to much into this project and trying to think of ideas which were complicating my subject matter and what i need to show.
he suggested just refining my work and going back to my original idea/experiments of just drawing in detail the person of recognition to a high detail standard -
the reason i steered away from this idea in origianally was because i felt it was not innovative, and wasn't really delivering the message of empowerment of what the women stood for, and i did not know weather people would recognise the women or understand my subject matter without it being explained in the illustrations.
however, matt advised me not to over complicate my ideas as the visual language of these pieces expresses the meaning i am trying to portrait without added aid of contexualising the work using a complex explanation. the simple choice of the people that i am using already give the viewer the means to perceive there own opinion, without making it too obvious, allowing them to think about why i have chosen these woman and choosing there own outcome. 

from no on, i think i will concentrate on trying to ways illustrate these women in detail, developing on my previous initial idea, however i will look into notable statues and other iconography to see how these people have been celebrated and see if i can develop my idea with the research. 

Peer feedback after presentation




key pointers from all notes

-liked the mount rushmore idea 

-superhero idea may be too suductive?-controversial 
stay away from sexualising the woman. 

-could overcome sexualisation of superheros by looking at the different time period of superheros as historical superheros were well covered.

-questioning myself is a strength of mine.

-could look into religious iconography and see how these people were celebrated/recognised 
look at notable statues other than mount rushmore
away from sexualising the woman.