Friday 21 March 2014

superhero idea.

here i wanted to capitalise on the idea that these woman are all our true 'superheros' in the real world. 
below i have played around with creating superheros with there characters. 

 ^ eg Amelia Earhart- bird 'wing woman' or 'the woman with wings'

Marie Curie- 'Radium woman'- could create a superhero that glowed green.

i have used commonly recognisable superwoman outfits to emphasise there superhero persona. 

pro's and con's to this idea:-
-May be difficult to think of ideas for some women-eg Rosa Parks, what would her superpower or super hero name?
-Controversial- giving them stereotypical sexualized superhero figures?
-Creates strong narrative and links to what they are know for.

because i feel illustrating the woman in sexualised superhero outfits would be to controversial and would contradict my concept, below i have refined the idea to just focus on the heads of the women, like what i have done in past development pieces, as the faces can not be objectified. i have used head wear which would be recognisable to those that superheros wear. 
i like the contrast between block pieces of collage and detailed facial feathers. 

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