Sunday 6 October 2013

reflection on the week.

One thing I have enjoyed about this weeks introductory work is that we have had a brief to work with, whilst still having the freedom to choose what you want to draw to fit to the brief. Having a guildine to work with is a one of the main reasons I chose to take illustration as I like having a direction for my work. 
I have also really enjoyed the freedom to use whatever media I wanted this week. I was not pushed to work 'bigger' or 'looser', something that I felt in previous coursed my tutors preferred me to do, though I felt my strengths lied elsewhere. however I do enjoy learning new skills and working with different medias, as this will hopefully bring me to my 'tone of voice'. 
I have also enjoyed looking at the rest of the classes work and seeing the variety of skills in my class... though it was amazing to see, I do feel slightly under pressure to try and keep up with the standard of everyone else. 
One thing I found challenging this week was the fact we had to draw scenarios/ideas from our heads. I'am used to drawing from a image or a photograph as I like to capture likenesses. I found this very hard as i didn't like any of the work I was producing and felt it did not look professional because I do not have a 'tone of voice yet'. 

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