Friday 16 January 2015

Talk with Richard and eleanor about my ideas and work

think about 
juxtaposes - someone with a human life 

photogrpaher - dom muculon

powerful stand alone illustration about life not just about him as a homeless man 
transformation -age-how the body changes in different environments

talking to eleanor about practicle work: i want to produce work that has a personal factor to it - i.e. looking into a indiviuals story of there life and how they became homeless, to emphasise the idea the fact that these people are real people and will have experience the same things we have experienced - creating links for people to relate there own lives to and showing the realisation that it could easily of been you if you experienced circumstances that were beyond your control.
however i am unsure as to how i will be able to get this personal information about someone without putting myself in a unsafe situation.
i am hoping that st georges crypt will get back to me and will allow me to go down and talk to some of the users, this way i will be able to record their personal stories which i would then be able to illustrate.

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