Thursday 22 January 2015

this image backs up the quotes by Chris Fields ST Georges crypts CEO  'people are islands', keep themselves to themselves  'to busy to be human. this illustration campaign shows how people can be too caught up in there own lives to see other peoples falling apart around them. something i feel we, myself included, are all guilty.  

How would you like to be faced with this as your meal? - the only way to eat.

Friday 16 January 2015

Talk with Richard and eleanor about my ideas and work

think about 
juxtaposes - someone with a human life 

photogrpaher - dom muculon

powerful stand alone illustration about life not just about him as a homeless man 
transformation -age-how the body changes in different environments

talking to eleanor about practicle work: i want to produce work that has a personal factor to it - i.e. looking into a indiviuals story of there life and how they became homeless, to emphasise the idea the fact that these people are real people and will have experience the same things we have experienced - creating links for people to relate there own lives to and showing the realisation that it could easily of been you if you experienced circumstances that were beyond your control.
however i am unsure as to how i will be able to get this personal information about someone without putting myself in a unsafe situation.
i am hoping that st georges crypt will get back to me and will allow me to go down and talk to some of the users, this way i will be able to record their personal stories which i would then be able to illustrate.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Lee jeffries Photography

i really like how the title that hits you first is 'lost angles' instead of 'homeless' which is present furter down, this  is something i want to do in my work- avoid the use of the word 'homeless' as there is so much more to a person than being categories as homeless. i feel the the stereotypes of homelessness comes with far too many negative representations and stereotypes on why people are homeless. 
the term 'lost angels' paints these people in a different light, making the viewer think of then as important, people we should take time to get to know. i really like how he calls the 'lost' insinuating that they can be 'found' or helped back onto the right path. 

the detail in he's photography is amazing, i feel i know this person as i can see every detail in her face, he manages to capture emotions within he's photography which allows the viewer to empathise with he's chosen subjects.
in my practical work, i feel detail is the best way forward to form a attachment with the viewer and the piece, hopefully the more detail i can capture and convey, the more the viewer will feel a connection. 

Bio stated on Lee Jeffries web page. 


"If you will forgive my indulgence, This work is most definitely NOT photojournalism. Nor is it intended as portraiture. It's religious or spiritual iconography. It's powerful stuff. Jeffries gave these people something more than personal dignity. He gave them a light in their eyes that depicts transcendence, a glimmer of light at the gates of Eden, so to speak. The clarity in their eyes is awesome to behold, as if God is somewhere in there. He has made these people into more than poor old broken homeless people lazily waiting for a handout from some urbane and thoughtful corporate agent. He infused them with light, not darkness. Even the blind guy has light pouring from his sightless eyes. I think Jeffries intended his art to honor these people, not pity them. He honors those people by giving their likenesses a greater meaning. He gives them a religious spiritual significance. He imbues them with the iconic soul of humanity. I think that's what he was trying to do, at least to some degree thereof."

'I think Jeffries intended his art to honor these people, not pity them.' - i intent to attempt this is my work. 

work produced after being inspired by Lee's photography 

Tuesday 13 January 2015

things i should find out so i can write a good essay.

  •  instances where someone hasnt had a bed for the night - downward spiral

  • why do people loose accommodation?

social and personal

  • questionnaire public. -
why do you think people are homeless - top 3
what do you think is the average age?
describe what you think a typical homeless person is?

these answers would help me pinpoint the common stereotypes and help me seperate the myths from the facts. 

  • how you can be helped if your homeless
  • taking a true life instance - the use of a case study for primary reference and to back-up my argument.
  • what would they like a campaign to highlight

Establish a question or issue and write a 3000 word essay relating to the Illustration discipline (see additional information in Context of Practice 2 Module Resources). Your essay and accompanying practical work should demonstrate a developed understanding of the nature of academic writing and the importance of critical and analytical approaches to your chosen theme.
Your essay should aim to include:
  • The selection of subject matter appropriate to your own interests that will allow you to critically analyse relevant source material.
  • A logical structure that has an introduction, a developed argument that is supported by appropriate references to at least four different academic sources and a conclusion.
  • A bibliography of at least 10 sources presented using the Harvard referencing system & the use of Harvard conventions within the main text of the essay when paraphrasing or quoting from other sources.

how are the homeless represented in british society:
what i want to explore with this theme -
individual case study
inform the many reasons of homelessness 
talk about the stereotypes compared to actual facts

In response to seminars and practical sessions, and drawing on the traditions and contemporary practice of reportage, you will investigate and develop methods of visual imagery production, working towards an outcome of a printed visual publication of between 8-12 pages (the format will be specified / negociatied).
Your written and practical work will both approach the same overarching theme and give you the opportunity to consider the interrelated nature of theory and practice.

Thursday 8 January 2015

research lecture

paradigm positon- when your view of the world changes = i.e the homeless
ontology- what is already known, what can be known what we can't no- the future
epistemolgy- how can we know something - asking questions - knowing by acquaintance

what is there to study

revised research question

how can we know about it

who do we study it

ethnographic - st georges crypt- taking pictures, taking to people etc

homelessness and vagrusy - photographing people in place, the degrees and increase of homeless, photographing homeless

points to remember:
research is contextual, conditional, individual
there is more than one form of knowledge
the knowledge that you are trying to research

start with what you already know
identifty what you want to find more about
plan how you a re going to find out about it.

Thursday 1 January 2015

George Orwells links to poverty and class systems in he's writing.

'he was deeply preoccupied with the broad question of poverty, and particularly the origins and nature of poverty in England. the dehumanising effects of poverty and the multiple consequences of economic injustice...'
'the institutionalised nature of economic inequality in Britain also accounts for orwells virtual obsession with the subtle nuances of he english class system.'