Friday 7 November 2014

Cop 2 practical task

this morning we were put in groups and sent to a destination (leeds arts gallery) To take part in a drawing task. we had to sit in the cafe and record modern and historial aspects in the room using different drawing techniques and different papers. i drew things such as the old tiling and sculptures for the old and things likes coke cans, modern chair designs, plants for modern aspects. 
when we came back from the galleries we had a hour to put together all of our observational work and create a ................

when we were doing the task i was confused to how this would help me in my practical development as i didn't feel i was experimenting or pushing my illustration skills as we had to produce the drawings fast, however, when we got back and collaged our pieces together i thought the collaboration of styles worked well together and is something i would not of been able to create on my own (as each drawing material would of been drawn in my particular style) 

2 different tones of voices. 
i also thought the combination of surface pattern and detail works really well  as you could see the pattern through the tracing paper. 

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