Monday 30 March 2015

discussing portrait technique with Eleanor.

though i like the concept of the many paths/memories of a persons life communicated with the use of line with this technique, I'm not sure weather the drawing exploits the sensitive tangibility of the subject matter. 

i decided to draw the same portrait using pencil as i think pencil can produce a more delicate drawing, emphasising a persons venerability, i feel the pen drawing may not show this as the pen lines are too bold, connoting strength and boldness.

i showed Eleanor the 2 drawings for advice on which she felt would work better. she agreed that the pencil drawing will make the piece more personal.
Eleanor also agreed that the motifs technique and the portrait technique doesn't work well here, although she could see the motif technique working better against the pencil drawing as it is still a contrast but not as prominent as the one above. 

below i have tested to see what it would look like with motifs that are drawn with pencil in the same detail as the protrait but with a burst of colour to make them stand out. i think using the pencil to make the motifs swell will make the illustration work better as a compete piece, however i think i will need to experiment with how to add colour to make it more subtle. yet distinct from the portrait. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

experimenting with illustration techniques on objects to add to the shirt.

though i feel the portrait face does look a lot better when added to the t shirt shape (instead of just a floating head!) i think  the 2 medias of the motifs and the portrait is to contrasting, i think they work well on their own but not together, to make this work i think i would beed to produce motifs with a similar technique.