Wednesday 6 November 2013

semiotics analysis of chosen illustration.

In this analysis I will aim to highlight the key signifiers, connotative and denotative meaning of my chosen illustration.

There are number of subtle codes (suggestions) in this illustration, all of which imply meaning and a visual impression. 
These subtle codes all rely on a shared knowledge in a culture for them to make sense. One example of this in this illustration is the White baby grow the baby is wearing, this signifier signifies he/she is a well-cared for, clean baby; whereas, a white baby grow in another culture may signify something else.
 The relationship between the two (signifier, signified) are entirely obligatory, and come natural in certain cultures, as society has got together and agreed on this semiotic structure.

The denotation of the baby with Chubby red cheeks connotes that he/she is well fed and healthy, producing a ideology that your baby too will gain these characteristics after drinking the milk. The image itself is designed to tug at people’s maternal heartstrings.

The illustration was created in 1935, and shows a stereotypical representation of a family unit The mother is looking happily at her child, making the ideology that by feeding your child this milk, you will have a loving, stress-free relationship with your baby. The overall red coloring to the illustration is a signifier, signifying similar meanings, warmth, love and health.

in this time period- housewife/mother looking after children, father not present, insinuating he is out at work, providing for family. This representation Informs and constructs our beliefs and ideas on society. This whole illustration is very idyllic of what society wants a family norm to be. The advertisement also seems to be aimed at a middle/upper class demographic, as the warm glow is also signifying the pair are sat in front of a open fire which is partially out of frame, this along with the white clean garments, represent a stereo typical upper class family unit and environment.  Another factor that this illustration is directed towards upper class demographic is the product itself, a alternative resource to breast milk,  Despite having it available naturally, and it not being a necessity , it is still being purchased by those that can afford to do so.
Therefore to aim this advert to all demographics would have been pointless as the working class may feel their money can be put to better use.

The text present In the illustration has a friendly personal style to it, this again connotes happiness, and comfort.  Fonts are also cultural codes, if the text present was in a bold, blunt capital font instead, this friendly vibe would not be suggested, it would be a broken cultural code and is not adherent to convention.
The text itself  ‘thanks to NestlĂ© milk’ suggests that NestlĂ© are responsible for this happy, healthy, family atmosphere